Monday 14 May 2012

The Hog has gone.....

Yup, traded my trusty Road King after 9 years of faultless service to my freedom requisites. I was in mourning.....

until I collected this one last Friday.....

I sure won't miss those 220lbs of weight I've also traded in the same deal. Should I change the Blog title? Kraut Day Afternoon? , Hun Day?  Schwein Day ? Too risky, I'll schtick.


dickiebo said...

Schweinhundt! Or....summat like that!

Hogdayafternoon said...

I only mentioned the war once - I think I got away with it.

TonyF said...

Boxhead Taxi?? :-)

CI-Roller Dude said...

So now instead of riding a washing machine, you'll be riding a gyro.

as long as it has 2 wheels and goes, it's good. I still prefer a "cruiser" though.

Quartermaster said...

You've got a much better bike now.

Now that you have it, you need a place that's nice and open, with no traffic so you can grab a big handful of throttle and see what she'll do. I'd suggest a certain highway in Nevada, but the logistics would be a bit hard to work out. :-)

Sage said...

Welcome to the darkside my friend lol xx

Quartermaster said...

NO, No, No, Sage. He's gone towards the light.

Hogdayafternoon said...

QM:Oh yes, I did a little of Nevada in 2003, albeit on an Electra Glide with a tricky starter motor. The road that crossed a tributory of Lake Powell and ran straight to Hanksville has a particular place in the seat of my pants (where my heart is)!

Sage: `Tis my 2nd Beemer and I am still being seduced by its raw beauty and fine engineering. The new twin cam, probably the last tweak of the mighty Boxer that they'll do. It has a mighty powerful invisible hand.

aniemyer said...

That, good sir, is one very sweet ride. Plus, as you no doubt have discovered, the whole drive-shaft thing makes a remarkable difference in how engine power is transmitted.

Tadanori said...

A very nice machine. They've learned a good deal since their first foray into designing tanks...

Hogdayafternoon said...

aniemyer; Sweet it is.

tanadori: BMW made engines that powered the FW190 fighter. I do hope my late father, who had the roof of our house removed by the Luftwaffe) is forgiving me.

Quartermaster said...

Hog, I imagine that if you could attach a generator to him you'd never lack for electricity. Once you get to Fiddler's Green (or whatever version of Valhalla Dead Coppers go to) he's gonna turn you over his knee.

Then you'll get the pint he has waiting for you.

Hogdayafternoon said...

QM: That put a grin on my `boat race`